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Luton Borough Council

Single person discount (SPD)


Money off your Council Tax if you are the only person in your home or the only person who is counted for the purposes of Council Tax.

Find out if you are eligible as a single adult and apply

If you are the only person over 18 in your home you can claim the single person discount.

A single person discount reduces your bill by 25%.

You can also apply for a discount if you are the only person over 18 in your home that is counted for the purposes of council tax.

When working out how many people live in a property and how much council tax you have to pay, some people are not counted in our calculations. These are called ‘disregarded’ people.

A person is disregarded if they are:

  • anyone under the age of 18
  • a student, apprentice, YTS trainee, student nurse or foreign languages assistant
  • severely mentally impaired
  • a prisoner, convicted or on remand, except where imprisonment is for non-payment of fines or Council Tax
  • under 20 years old and undertaking or have just completed a qualifying course of further education
  • a young person or persons for whom child benefit is payable
  • a patient usually resident in hospital, residential care homes, nursing homes or hostels providing a high level of care
  • low paid careworkers either living with the person for whom care is being provided or in accommodation provided by their employer in order to administer care
  • caring for someone with a disability who is not a spouse, partner or child under 18
  • a resident of certain hostels or night shelters

If everyone in the property is disregarded there will still be a Council Tax bill, but there will be a 50% discount.

After you've applied for a discount

You must still pay the amount on your Council Tax bill until you hear from us.

If you qualify for the discount, we’ll check every year that you're still entitled to it. Tell us if your circumstances change in the meantime as this may affect your discount. If you don't tell us you may have to pay a penalty.

Apply for single person discount

© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ